Please take a few minutes and visit our sponsors and thank them by shopping and supporting their local business.
Please help our cause by donating now via the secure web site Paypal.
Copyright ©2024 All Rights Reserved Garden of Hope
"Supporting the fighter, admiring the survivor, honoring the taken and never giving up HOPE"
Special thanks to our sponsors, contributors and the families of the Garden of Hope- Please support those who share their time, products and financial contributions to help keep "HOPE ALIVE".
Canvas Designers
1500 Australian Ave, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Phone: (561) 848-2111
Betty Argue       Elizabeth Accomando          
Mike Johnson    Patricia Farrell
Keith Jordano

And special Thank you to Director of facilities and Recreation Kenny Lawrence for making sure the Garden area is well maintained
throughout the year.
13476 61st St N,
West Palm Beach, FL 33412
(561) 793-0874
Indian Trails Improvement District Supervisors